Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Scene 1 creation

As the image below shows, scene 1 was created by using a plane with a grass texture applied. The plane was edited using soft selection in order to create a hill in the background and then two more instances of the plan were created and rotated to create the surrounding hills. Then to create the sky in the background, a large sphere was created with a suitable colour of blue being applied. Then force 2-sided was check in the rendering setting. This was so the colour would also appear inside the sphere instead of just outside the sphere.

Next the model of the siege engine was imported and place in the middle of the scene. A circle was then drawn around the siege engine. Then a target camera was placed in the scene with the focus being on the siege engine. Next I used path constraint to make the camera follow the circle. The camera would then pan around the siege engine. But initially the camera panned around too fast, so I increased the number of frames for the scene to 500.

Finally I added lighting to the animation. Because my animation is based outside, there would be no spotlights or any other types of lighting within my scene. This then meant that the only form of lighting that I used in all my animation scenes was a day light system. With the daylight system I angled the direction and tilt to cast a realistic shadow for a scene set in the evening.

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