Tuesday 14 February 2012

Daylight system

Below is my implementation of a daylight system and architectural materials. In order to use architectural materials the renderer had to be changed to the mental ray renderer. When creating the image a floor is need in the image in order to show the shadows on the floor. So a floor was created using a basic box. Then the teapot and a torus are draw and the textures were added. Architectural textures were selected and then one of the options from the pre-set templates was used. The teapot uses the ceramic tile, glaze template and the torus used the metal template. Then the daylight system was created. When setting up the daylight system a location was decided where to place it and then the time, date and location (where in the world would you like to imitate) were selected. These settings would change the intensity and direction in which the light shines from. Finally the image was rendered.

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